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Rabu, 03 November 2010

hello from mars (-_-)a

alright... I made a strange tittle again, sorry.. and again I just don't know what I have to write and tell in this post *duaggggh

okay, I made a confession. the first thing why I rarely updating my blog is I feel unsastisfied with my layout's blog soooooooooooooo... i have no spirit to write in -_-a

by the way I just feel little bit messy lately, my college-life, my love-life, a friendship makes me mad. a lot of peoples said that I'm in transition phase. from a High school student to a college student. but now, I've been tried to re-arrange my schedule. no more wasting time, no more playing around because the purpose I entered the college is study hard. I still set my eyes to Malaysia for my training job place. and the way to get there, I have to be more discipline. because attitude is the important things at STPB. you don't need to be excellent. just following the rules, being a well-grooming and good-manner.

about my love-life. probably Milk is the best-est one but I don't need the best one i just need somebody who always "honest" and faithful to me and I know who he is ;) if I get a chance, I don't wanna lose him anymore. because I realized that he is the finest one who I ever had and...................................................................
i don't know how I have to describe him of again *kickbyhim

back to reality, probably I rarely be updates on blog for several times because I really really madly busy. buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttt I'll keep posting as much as I can .

and from Mars I wanna says, hello new world, I am not afraid to face you off !!

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