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Minggu, 22 November 2009


"don't cry, you will get hungry if you cry"
sakuma ryuichi said to shindo shuichi (gravitation track.3)
and he's right, i feel bit hungry after crying. so i call 14045 to delivered some food !
paparapapaaaam i'm lovin' it (McD mode on)
i'll continue to typing this post while i waiting the Mr.delivery come .
but i have no people who will let me borrow his/her kumagoro*, or people who gimme some candy , videos, his precious treasures like his wisdom tooth, wooden yo-yo, or insect to halt my tears (please watch gravitation if you want to understand what i am talking aboard )
i feel so lonely . feel have no friend beside me .
friends?HAHA it's make me laughing.
i distrust about BEST FRIENDS anymore . i remember intan adelia t, my facebook's friend. she ever been said if friend just a bullshit ! they just exploited her for uploading and tagging their photos .
and i have similar problem currently . no no no no about uploading and tagging photos.
it's about hmmm tolerance as friend maybe . i feel they not appraise me, instead they didn't reckon me as their friend .
it's okay, i never desperate about it .
i can be self-supporting . never give up because of a little trouble like this .
remember, a big girl don't cry
maybe i'll get the true bestiest . anywhere... anytime...

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